
Company details

Autodienst Ruhlsdorf

Dorfstraße 64
16348 Marienwerder OT Ruhlsdorf

Managing DirectorHerr Jens Thoms
Contact PersonHerr Jens Thoms
conference languagedeutsch
phone033395 339
fax033395 70539


At this point, you can send a request or a message to the selected company.

number of employees salaried employees: 2
trainee: 1
founding year1993
legal formGbR
tax number065 153/09756
Date entry04.09.2003
profileInformation in german
  • Kfz-Reparaturen aller Art besonders PKW
  • Landtechnikreparatur
membershipsInformation in german


Nacecode Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods

Last edit: 23.07.2015 / 12:23:56

editor: Jens Thoms, Autodienst Ruhlsdorf