
Company details

Schreiber's Backstube

Rosenstraße 17
16278 Angermünde

Managing DirectorHerr Klaus Schreiber
Contact PersonHerr Klaus Schreiber
conference languagedeutsch
phone0049 3331 260926
fax0049 3331 260913


At this point, you can send a request or a message to the selected company.

number of employees salaried employees: 16
trainee: 6
founding year1989
commercial register09092670
District CourtSchwedt
tax numberDE 139058236
Sales in thousands of EURO900
Date entry02.07.1999

production of breads, rolls, cakes and pastry; specialized in the area of special breads - great variety (about 20 sorts of bread); production of backed goods on special request (i.e. signatures out of bread dough, big gateaus a.s.); delivery of coffee (gastronomic packing) with machine negotiation; delivery company: TK-dough products from our own production (with backing technology)


guild company of the backery guild Uckermark


Society for Cultural landscape e.V.

Nacecode Manufacturing
Regionale ProdukteLebensmittel

delivery possibilities of gastronomy companies, vacation objects, canteen kitchen, hospitals, hotels (product assortment, addiational fulfillment of various customer's wishes in the backing field


franchise partner in the field of sale


developpment of products in the health-conscious elderly field

Last edit: 08.09.2015 / 03:48:49

editor: Przemysław Jackowski, SBC Schwedt/Oder